Friday, February 09, 2007
You can't see Clayton behind the laptop but, we were working on his Saturn science project. Jayma was just sitting and laughing at us since she made me in charge of special school projects. Sounds like one of those things you don't want to get into at work and sure as heck don't want to do them at home.
Well another year has passed and Daddy waited till the last minute to put the cars together. So, we had one car eventually cross the finish line out of the three. Funny thing is that we won four races because the other teams didn't cross the finish line either. Our cars just made it farther down the track. Next year we will consult with NASCAR and maybe the Indy racing league. No more waiting till the last minute to put the cars together. Next year I plan on giving myself two minutes. Maybe the kiddos will want to be more involved next year.